
The project


Comparative analysis of the variables and patterns of FEEDING of the environment of the Spanish students and of other countries. Elaboration of advice for a sustainable and healthy diet based on its results and publication on the web.
The main mission is to use mathematical models to improve the health of the participants by analyzing the types of foods an drinks produced and consumed in each country, proposing healthy menus and tips based on this analysis.

CONTENS of the curriculum (spanish) that are working on this project (high school)

1-Processes, methods and attitudes in mathematics
  • Planning of problem solving strategies: use of appropriate language (graphical, numerical, algebraic, etc.), reformulation of the problem, solving subproblems, starting with simple individual cases, looking for regularities and laws, etc.
  • Reflection on results: review of operations used, assignment of units to results, verification and interpretation of solutions in the context of the situation, search for other forms of resolution, etc.
  • Practicing the processes of mathematization and modeling, in contexts of reality and mathematics, individually and as a team.
  • Presentation of projects and mathematical school research, in numerical, geometric, functional, statistical and probabilistic contexts, individually and as a team. Preparation and submission of corresponding reports
  • Use of technological means in the learning process to:
  • Orderly collection and data organization.
  • Creation and creation of graphical representations of numeric, functional or statistical data.
  • Facilitating the understanding of geometric or functional concepts and properties, and performing numeric, alchemical or statistical calculations.
  • Design of simulations and elaboration of predictions about diverse mathematical situations.
  • Preparation of reports and documents on the processes carried out and the conclusions and results obtained.
  • Consultation, communication and sharing, in appropriate areas, of information and mathematical ideas.
  • Confidence in one's own abilities to develop appropriate attitudes and face the difficulties of scientific work.
  • Rational numbers. Transforming fractions into decimals. Operations with fractions and decimals. Approximate calculation and rounding. Significant numbers. Absolute and relative error.
  • Powers of integers and rational numbers with integer exponent. Meaning and use. Scientific notation.
  • Hierarchy of operations.
  • Calculations with percentages (mental, manual and with calculator).
  • Reason, proportion and rate. Unit rate. Conversion factors. directly and inversely proportional magnitudes. Proportionality constant.
  • Resolution of problems involving direct or inverse proportionality.
  • Development and use of strategies for the mental calculation, for the approximate calculation and for the calculation with calculator.
  • Translation of everyday language expressions that represent real situations with nutritional variables to algebraic.
  • Solving equations in which these variables appear.
  • Calculation, interpretation and identification of linear functions obtained from the relation of the direct proportion of two study variables.
  • Use of graphic calculators and specific software for the construction and interpretation of these graphs.
  • Identification of the phases and tasks of a statistical study. Analysis and description of work related to food and drink statistics, with interpretation of information and detection of errors and manipulations.
  • Use of a calculator and other appropriate technological means for the analysis, preparation and presentation of reports and documents on statistical information of media related to food and drink.
  • Organization in tables of data collected in an experience. Drawing of graphs.
  • Properties, regularities and relations of the geometric bodies used in containers. Calculation of lengths, surfaces and volumes.


  • Learn mathematics in a real, fun and motivating context, using innovative ICT resources and a collaborative methodology.
  • Relate to people from other social and cultural environments and share with them new learning scenarios, in this case, through the study of food in different countries.
  • Promote teamwork, leadership and collaboration, conflict resolution, effectiveness, self-assessment, and accountability.
  • Use technology responsibly and learn about new collaborative work tools.
  • Learn the phases of a scientific-mathematical study, and assess its importance in data analysis and decision making.
  • To improve the knowledge of the languages ​​of the participants: Portuguese-Castilian-Galician.
  • To modify the habitual role of the student as a receiver of contents in closed environments and transform it into constructor and transmitter in an environment open to other people and cultures sharing and publishing the results of the project.


  • Presentation of the project to the students in each country. (Videos and twinspace portal)
  • Presentation of the participants and first contact. Choosing a logo for the project. Training of work teams. (Skype, email, folder-text document-shared worksheet).
  • Exchange of ideas and writing about what foods and drikns they consume on any given day and what their meal times are in a file prepared by teachers (possible taboos or prohibited foods) (folder - text document - shared worksheet). Analysis of results.
  • Exchange of ideas and writing on what motivation they have to choose one or another food (price, packaging-appearance, religion-customs, mood, health-nutrition, ecology, flavor) in a file prepared by teachers (folder- Text-shared worksheet). Analysis of results.
  • Study of the numerical variables (magnitudes) that intervene in the analysis of a food and its units of measurement (energy that contributes in Kcal ...) as well as its composition. Elaborate a table with the ideal quantities of these variables for a specific period of time. (Folder-text document-shared worksheet).
  • Statistical analysis of feeding habits (drinks, ...) by means of a survey.
  • Inclusion in the metrominuto carried out in the previous project of the kilocalories consumed in each journey according to weights / ages.
  • Choosing a food that exists in both countries to study their label and compare if the labeling rules are common. Also compare your price and calculate the cost of a ration. (Photos- folder and shared worksheet).
  • Make a list of foods that are grown in the place where they live and develop a menu with them. Decide which numerical variables are studied from that menu (gr of a ration, kcal ...) and elaborate a spreadsheet with its values ​​and graphs. Compare the menus elaborated and decide based on the criteria of activity 5 which are healthier. (Photos-text-folder and shared worksheet)
  • Study of the IMC of the participants. Elaboration / selection of a suitable menu at two or three BMI intervals.
  • Analysis of magnitudes related to food safety (food processing and conservation), garbage in our food (contaminants in the field and in the sea), functional foods (superfoods ...), kitchen utensils geometry (size, ...)
  • Preparation of an exhibition with the results using data presentation software (PPT ...) and leaflets to distribute in the environment in both languages ​​(Spanish-Portuguese)
  • Evaluation of the project by the participants.


The methodology of our project is based mainly on the collaborative work between people who are not in the same place. This situation leads us to use online tools that allow simultaneous work from different points (cloud computing).
The main tools are Twinspace, google drive, and Skype; Through these platforms we share files of different types, both between students and teachers, and also make presentations, forms, etc.
Both computers and mobile phones are used to access. We have folders shared between teachers through these platforms, from which activities are created and documents are linked


Evaluations of each activity will be carried out to include in the quarterly qualifications of the students using the rubrics that the teachers elaborate for this purpose.
At the end of the project two evaluations will be carried out, one on the project (have the objectives been achieved) and another on the personal participation of each member.

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